Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Cult of the Firstborn Revisited

Cult of the Firstborn Revisited:

Ever since Hirum Page started receiving revelations from Satan through the peep stone (D&C 28:11), there have been Cults of the Firstborn, or Secret Gnostic Groups, or Selective Clubs in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Each one of these groups makes the claim that they have Special Knowledge from God or Secret Knowledge from God that the Apostles of God do not have.

During the Primitive Church of Jesus Christ, the Apostles of God were driven out of Congregations of the Church by Gnostics claiming to have Secret Knowledge from God that the Apostles of God did not have. Gnosticism in a sense killed the Primitive Church of Jesus Christ; and, it could kill the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints if we are not aware of that particular Satanic Trap.

I coined the phrase, “The Cult of the Firstborn”, so that I and my LDS friends would have a term that we could use in person and during Private Messaging to describe the phenomenon.

There is nothing new about the Cult of the Firstborn. While talking with one of my LDS friends last weekend, he told me that a decade or two ago, one of his friends had been captured by one these Gnostic Groups, led away from the LDS Church, and destroyed. The results can be devastating. Lives and families can be destroyed if we choose to fall for one of these Gnostic Groups.

I realize now that anyone who considers themselves to be a member of the Cult of the Firstborn might be offended by the term. Being called a Gnostic Group sounds a lot cooler, I must admit. After all, the Gnostics know things that the rest of the Latter-day Saints and the LDS Apostles don't know and can't know. So, it sounds a lot cooler to be a Gnostic than to just be a member of the Cult of the Firstborn.

One of my spiritual gifts is the ability to notice patterns or trends. These things just kind of jump out at me. I can see throughout the whole of LDS Church history all of these different Gnostic Groups or Cults of the Firstborn that rise up, flourish, and then slowly die out. There are hundreds and even thousands of them.

God the Father lost one-third of the hosts of Heaven to a Gnostic Group. One-third of the hosts of Heaven refused to sustain the Brethren (Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost). They thought that they knew better or were smarter than God the Father. They thought that they knew something that God did not know. They thought that they could do it their own way.

Joseph Smith tells us that the Ten Virgins represent the Latter-day Saints. According to the parable of the Ten Virgins, half of the baptized Latter-day Saints during the whole history of the Latter-day Saints are going to apostatize from the LDS Church or walk away from the LDS Church.

I personally have predicted that one-third of the Latter-day Saints will be lost to a refusal to sustain or accept the LDS General Authorities or the Local Leaders in their wards and stakes. If I am correct, a huge number of Latter-day Saints throughout the history of the Latter-day Saints will be drawn away to various Gnostic Groups or Cults of the Firstborn, because these Groups will claim superior knowledge and superior revelations than the knowledge and revelations that the Apostles of God are receiving.

I can see the pattern, and I can see the trend. My purpose in writing about it is to warn the active Latter-day Saints about it. Those who have already fallen for one of the many hundreds of different Gnostic groups will not receive any benefit from my warning, and might even take exception to it. That's the nature of issuing a warning. The LDS Apostles get the same result whenever they issue a warning. The Gnostics are here to stay, and so is the Cult of the Firstborn.

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