Friday, July 11, 2014

LDS Freedom Forum

LDS Freedom Forum:

I have spent five months posting on LDS Freedom Forum. I didn't know what I was getting into at the time. I was surprised at the negative response I received when I first started posting. I was trying to resist the anti-LDS bias on LDS Freedom Forum, or at least trying to provide a contrasting point of view. My mistake!

Over time, with the help of a few friends on LDS Freedom Forum, I came to see that LDS Freedom Forum is a misnomer.

The majority of the forum regulars and moderators on LDS Freedom Forum are excommunicated Latter-day Saints, non-LDS, Jack Mormons, or people on the verge of disciplinary action in the LDS Church. The active Latter-day Saints who try to defend the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or the Brethren are vigorously ridiculed and persecuted. There's really nothing LDS about LDS Freedom Forum.

LDS Freedom Forum has some of the most abusive and mean moderators that I have ever encountered on the internet. If you don't like the anti-LDS stance of the moderators or the forum regulars, the moderators will invite you to leave and go someplace else. The active Latter-day Saints are not free to defend the Brethren or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the Latter-day Saints are not free to discuss the Gospel of Christ without concentrated ridicule from the forum regulars and some of the moderators. There is nothing liberating about LDS Freedom Forum, unless you are an LDS apostate or an excommunicated Latter-day Saint.

The moderators discipline and abuse and intimidate in public, instead of in private messaging, like it should be done. The moderators issue their demands to shut up and go away in public. Then, if the moderators are ever called on it, then they just delete their posts and deny that it ever happened. Meanwhile, they twist the words of the patrons, post that, and then use that as a reason to chastise or ban the participant that they don't like.

If the participants who have been chastised in public by a moderator respond in kind, then their messages are just deleted by the moderator, and they are issued a warning by the moderator. It has proven to be a very unpleasant environment for me and for my friends. Most everyone that I have corresponded with in LDS Freedom Forum has eventually written me a message telling me why they decided to leave LDS Freedom Forum and not come back, assuming that they weren't already banned from the forum. Their reasons for leaving are summarized in this message. I still have Private Messages out there that were never delivered; and, I learned later that the person had been banned for life from the forum.

The only part of LDS Freedom Forum that fits with the name is the fact that it seems to be a forum.

This past week or so, I realized that it would be impossible to gain a testimony of Jesus Christ and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on LDS Freedom Forum. The forum doesn't cater to such a thing.

The only thing I think I could get from the moderators and the forum regulars on LDS Freedom Forum is a desire or a reason to apostatize from the LDS Church.

All of my friends and all of the people that I learned to trust on LDS Freedom Forum have been banned for life, or have left in disgust, or are too afraid to post. Some of them are not even responding to the Private Messages that I sent them. They are gone. I see no evidence that they intend to ever come back. The most recent thread I started has now been locked; so now it can fade away into oblivion as well.

It's also getting kind of boring over there on LDS Freedom Forum, unless you like Flame Wars. Most of the good, fun, enjoyable, and interesting LDS people have been banned or have been told to shut up and go away. A few of the others are just too afraid to post. It's an intimidating environment in which to start up a conversation. I think there is only one thread left that even interests me, and it was started by the nicest moderator of the bunch, and there is little or no activity in the thread. I can just copy the few pages to my hard drive, and come back in a couple of months to see if anything has changed.

LDS Freedom Forum has proven to be a nasty, unfriendly place, especially if you are an active Latter-day Saint; and, the great shame is that the forum uses the term LDS in it's name giving the incorrect impression that it is an LDS forum. There's really nothing free or liberating about the forum either, because one is not permitted to oppose the LDS Apostates and their doctrines. In my humble opinion, if it is going to keep the LDS claim in its name, then it really should be more accurately called the LDS Apostate Forum. It should be called what it is and not what it ain't.

Anyway, I'm no longer reading the LDS Freedom Forum. I'm taking a break from it all, until after I have gotten some more important things done. I'm just responding to email and personal messages that I have received through the forum. My life will be better if I'm not reading the rot and contention that goes on there, and just refuse to get embroiled in it.

I think the only good thing I got from LDS Freedom forum is a desire to read and study the LDS Scriptures and the Gospel of Christ. I haven't had any desire to do that for a many years now. So, while attempting to defend the Latter-day Saints on LDS Freedom Forum, it gave me a desire to study the LDS Church and the LDS Scriptures. I have learned a lot of things that I didn't know before, while trying to defend the Gospel of Christ against the ongoing attacks it is receiving at LDS Freedom Forum. For the first time in my life, the process of trying to defend the LDS Church has given me a desire and the courage necessary to proudly declare that I am a Latter-day Saint and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. That's probably the best thing that I got from LDS Freedom Forum. It wasn't all wasted time.

Mark My Words

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